Saturday, August 16, 2008

Leipzig will not have PS3 SKU Price cuts

Once again Europe gets anally raped by Sony. How you ask? No Price cuts for the PS3. "It's not going to happen. If you're coming for that you'll be disappointed," Sony Computer Entertainment spokesman Nick Caplin said. This news will come as a shock next week to alot of Euro-Sony Fanboys and true gamers out there They are going to be so pissed it's gonna be total euro-chaos! But to be honest this is no surprise, really. Because when the 80gig in the U.S hits stores once again in September for around $300 [which is pocket change] Sony will once again lose money. Being a sacrificial company for selling their systems cheap these days I think they decided that even though they wont lower the price for the PS3 they will at least be making more money in Euros. Converting European currency to American currency is usually alot these days. Then again I digress but seriously Sony. You're doing good in Japan and so far the U.S. but it's still not good enough when it comes to games. You need more exclusives to get through in this kind of business and so far with only 1 or 2 price cuts it's not putting a dent or quenching the thirst for gamers and for you guys. Sony, really needs to make some more adjustments. I'm not saying Sony isn't doing enough but Sony still has ALOT of work ahead for them. GTAIV and MGS4 was the beginning of it's journey for console conquest. What is ahead in the future for Sony's goliath of a console?

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